Šibenik University of Applied Sciences has been participating in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education project "EVERGREEN - Including Everyone in Green Data Analysis" since November 2022. The project will last for two years, until November 2024.
In addition to the Šibenik University of Applied Sciences, four other partner institutions are involved: Žilinská univerzita v Žiline (Slovakia), Univerza v Mariboru (Slovenia), Univerzita Pardubice (Czech Republic), and the Incubator for New Technologies Trokut Šibenik (Croatia).
The project is designed to strengthen the digital readiness, resilience, and capacities of teachers and students while developing their digital competencies. This will be achieved through the creation of new and innovative teaching methods and learning materials focused on data analysis and environmental data analysis, as well as through sectoral and transnational collaboration.
The project aims to address skill mismatches at both the national and EU levels by increasing the number of IT graduates trained in data science and machine learning. The project’s outputs will be developed in collaboration with its associated partners, Oracle and Knauf Insulation.
More information about the project can be found at: https://evergreen.fri.uniza.sk