Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost

Smart4Food - With a smart farm towards food Security


Šibenik University of Applied Sciences has recently become the coordinator of the project consortium for a new Erasmus+ KA2 VET projectPartnerships for Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training.

In addition to the Šibenik University of Applied Sciences, the project includes the participation of:

  • New Edu, n.o from Slovakia
  • Kocatürk from Turkey
  • Magnetar Ltd from Cyprus
  • Momentum Educate + Innovate Limited from Ireland
  • MERIDAUNIA from Italy

Smart4Food aims to address the needs of partners and target groups by:

  • Developing a curriculum and open multimedia educational resources for the community of family farms
  • Creating a microlearning training platform – Smart4Food Hub – as a synergistic space for strengthening key competencies of farmers defined in the curricula

Project duration: 01. 11. 2024. – 31. 10. 2026.