Duration: 4 semesters
Professional title awarded with the qualification: specialist of management (spec.oec.)
Graduate Study Programme Management is aimed at educating managers for more control functions in companies and other business systems and organizations. Due to significant share of economic educational contents students can successfully perform all activities which require necessary knowledge and skills in the area of economy and management.
During the conceptualization of the study, a special emphasis was placed on students who would acquire equally general and specific competences, that is, on the one hand knowledge, skills and attitudes, and on the other hand interpersonal, instrumental and system competences.
During the first three semester students are offered a high degree of mobility through the choice of programs of study, according to the preferences of students, while retaining specialized expertise that ensures core curriculum studies. In the fourth semester students are engaged in research and writing the final paper.
General competences that students acquire by completing the studies are abilities to solve problems, analyse, synthesize and evaluate, independently learn, research literature, work as team members, plan and organize, possess numerical and informational literacy, develop oral and written business communication and ability to negotiate on the subject in mother tongue and at least two foreign languages, think creatively and critically, generate new ideas, manage time and fulfil tasks and plans in a set time.
During the studies, students acquire specific knowledge, skills and competences related to departmental management, middle and senior management processes and tasks, strategic planning and cost management, processes, business or organization finances, marketing and market research, and the use of quantifiable results and methods for business decision making, conflict management and business risk, positioning of the company on the market, taking into account financial and human resources and respecting legal and ethical business, working and human rights in changeable legal, economic and technological framework.
Expected learning outcomes
- To organize and lead team work, and critically judge the opinions and attitudes of team members
- To individually and responsibly search relevant literature for reaching solutions and conclusions,
- To analyze business environment, distinguish the company's competitive advantages and propose different business strategies to achieve the company's goals
- To analyze and interpret key business trends and innovations in the micro and macro business environment and propose innovative solutions and tactics of innovation in business
- To use probabilistic models for different discrete and continuous stochastic phenomena, assess population parameters, set statistical hypotheses, conduct tests and basic statistical analyses with support of computer tools
- To critically evaluate existing marketing communications and suggest improvements on the concrete business case and develop basic skills of forming integrated marketing communications
- To apply and valorize qualitative and quantitative methods of business decision-making in solving economic and managerial problems through program support
- To develop a management plan and propose a strategy for the management of protected areas
- To select a research method, conduct market research and interpret the results of the research carried out
- To develop a public procurement plan and prepare basic documents for the conduct of an open public procurement procedure
- To build a value system in an enterprise based on business ethics principles and socially responsible management
- To interpret the process and principle of modeling, select discrete simulation from input data, create and apply a simulation model using Sigma, Arena and Capsim software packages, and tools such as Excell and ExpertFit
- To suggest decisions on production, operations, flows, capacities, costs and processes using analysis and monitoring of achieved indicators and results
- To analyze and compare indicators of economic development of the Republic of Croatia, critically reflect on contemporary trends in the Republic of Croatia, and propose solutions to stimulate economic prosperity
- To identify the possibility of financing projects from European Union funds and programs and actively participate in applying and project design
- To identify various problems, risks and risky situations in modern management and propose adequate solutions for identified problems and risk management mechanisms based on the company`s state analysis
- To assess acceptability of an investment project based on economic-financial analysis made with the help of modern tools and techniques
- To valorize and apply basic legal institutions in business environment
- To interpret the importance of financial markets for the entire economy, the role and importance of financial intermediaries, and polemicize the outcomes and consequences of asymmetric information acting on financial market participants and business entities
- To predict the causes of conflicts in company and resolve conflicts by mediating